Sensual Seduction

Exclusive double workshop on location at topic sensual nude & lifestyle pictures with the wonderful models Anastasia Mur and Ksenia Lytvynova.


Models: Anastasia Mur & Ksenia Lytvynova
Languages Models: English
Genre: Portrait, Lifestyle, Partial Nude, Nude
Level: ★★ | ★★★ - Advanced | Experienced


Saturday, 03.08.2024

10:00 - 18:00
Price incl. VAT: 459,- Euro
Participants: 6-8
Location: Loft Studio Cologne

Double Workshop - Practice-oriented double workshop with two models, two studios and two groups of participants. With individual theory session, lots of shooting time and picture critiques.

Level: ★★★ | ★★★ - Advanced | Experienced

Incl. model fee, location, make-up artist, snacks & drinks.

Sunday, 04.08.2024

10:00 - 18:00
Price incl. VAT: 459,- Euro
Participants: 6-8
Location: Loft Studio Cologne

Double Workshop - Practice-oriented double workshop with two models, two studios and two groups of participants. With individual theory session, lots of shooting time and picture critiques.

Level: ★★★ | ★★★ - Advanced | Experienced

Incl. model fee, location, make-up artist, snacks & drinks.



It starts at 10:00 a.m. with a short get-to-know-you session. Afterwards, the normal workshop will be followed by a practice-oriented theory session, or the Intense Workshop will go directly into practice.


Natural and sensual portraits, boudoir and nude images are the goal of our workshop. It is important to create a basic understanding of photography with available light. With "Light Comes First" & "Right Level of Contrast" I give you successful concepts to master natural light in any situation and to put your model in the right scene.

Boudoir and especially nude photography are very sensitive shooting areas. Communication with the model and building trust are the key to exceptional photos. In my workshop I will show you how to do both in a simple and effective way.

To take sensual pictures you have to understand the sensual language of the body. Your perspective to the model, the right distance and the right focal length determine a successful photo. The right crop is also of great importance, not only for the photo itself, but also for the publication on different platforms and social media with different formats, such as Instagram.

For the most natural look of the pictures we use scenic image compositions. Dynamic framings, leading and depth lines and a lively set design are the secret of my photography. Create authentic looking photos instead of static staged looking images.

Color or black and white is primarily a question of the shooting situation and only secondarily a question of image processing. In my color photos, I already place great emphasis on a stringent color composition during the shooting, which supports the harmony and sensuality of the image. In black and white photos, on the other hand, we focus on clear contrasts and special light compositions.

Double Workshop

Unlike the normal workshop, we have two models and both loft studios available for the double workshop. For the practical part, we split up the groups and you have the opportunity to apply what you have learned with both models in different locations.


You will need a digital SLR camera or mirrorless camera and prime lenses for the workshop. Ideal focal lengths are between 35-85mm or prime zooms from 24-70mm or 70-200mm.


If the workshop is canceled due to bad booking situation or through the fault of the organizer, the workshop fee will be refunded or can be rebooked for subsequent workshop dates. If a model cancels due to the fault of the model, the organizer will replace her with an equivalent model.

The Workshop Conditions of Participation.



The LOFT STUDIO COLOGNE offers distinctive location studios with a unique loft or penthouse character in one of the most popular areas of Cologne: the Belgian quarter. In addition to professional studio equipment, both studios with large windows offer ample opportunities for available light photography. The distinctive styles with variable furniture/props as well as stylish design elements, allow for a variety of motif ideas. With 180sqm each, both studios offer an ideal working atmosphere for daylight and studio productions.

Both studios are available as shooting locations for the practical part. In groups of 4 you will work alternately with our models in the Factory Loft and the Penthouse Loft.