Basis for my work and workshops.
Loft Studio Cologne
Richard Wagner Straße 18
50674 Cologne
The studios offer a distinctive and unique loft or penthouse character in one of the most popular areas of Cologne: the Belgian quarter.
With large windows, both studios offer ample opportunities for available light photography. The distinctive styles with variable furniture/props as well as stylish design elements, allow for a variety of motif ideas. With 180sqm each, both studios offer an ideal working atmosphere for daylight workshops.
The majority of my workshops take place in our studios in Cologne. Depending on the season and occupancy schedule, either in the Factory Loft or Penthouse Loft.
Black and white painting
Kottendorfer Straße 21
40267 Solingen
The studio - LocationStudio in Soligen
Five large industrial windows provide maximum daylight even in winter or on rainy days. All windows face north and therefore almost always offer wonderfully soft and high-contrast light.